Daniel Lichterfeld

The architect · Founder & Software lead
I believe in innovative and creative methods and strategies to find and implement the best technologies achieving the defined targets.

Company Turnaround @ ASDIS
Redefined Company Strategy, Profitable after 1 year, ATM & Server Management of Top 20 banks, 40 % ATM market share in Germany, 20 % ATM market share in Europe, Competitor to IBM, CA, HP, BMC, Microsoft



Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank

UniCredit Bank

UniCredit Bank



Interims Management @ medneo
Defined IT Infrastructure Strategy, Optimizing Software Development & Processes, Radiology as a Service Provider, Shared Economy

T Dispatch

Interims Management & Product Turnaround @ T Dispatch
Scalable SaaS-Provider, Shared Economy, Worldwide Dispatch System, Route Optimization, Fleet Management, Competitor to Uber, myTaxi

T Dispatch

T Dispatch

Image Processing & Recognition
3D Virtualization of CT images, ID Card / Passport recognition, Remote image processing in a Browser

meisterwerk ventures
Founder & Software Lead

FoundFair GmbH, BrainsConnect GmbH
CIO, Founder & CEO

mindeffect UG
Founder & CEO

ASDIS Solutions GmbH
Software Engineer & Architect
Head of R&D
Managing Director

Opix AG
Software Architect

Fachhochschule Stralsund
Computer Science

Born 1981